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- incdir include:
- include exec/memory.i
- include exec/tasks.i
- include lvo/exec_lib.i
- include devices/ahi.i
- include libraries/ahi_sub.i
- include libraries/toccata.i
- include lvo/toccata_lib.i
- include utility/hooks.i
- include toccata.i
- include macros.i
- XDEF _intAHIsub_Disable
- XDEF _intAHIsub_Enable
- XDEF _intAHIsub_Update
- XDEF _intAHIsub_SetVol
- XDEF _intAHIsub_SetFreq
- XDEF _intAHIsub_SetSound
- XDEF _intAHIsub_SetEffect
- XDEF _intAHIsub_LoadSound
- XDEF _intAHIsub_UnloadSound
- XDEF _SlaveProcessEntry
- XDEF _RecordFunc
- XDEF _PlayFuncMono
- XDEF _PlayFuncStereo
- XDEF _PlayFuncMono32
- XDEF _PlayFuncStereo32
- XDEF _MixFunc
- XREF _SlaveProcess
- XREF _NoTask
- *******************************************************************************
- ;in:
- * a2 struct AHI_AudioCtrl
- _intAHIsub_Disable:
- push a6
- move.l 4.w,a6
- call Disable
- pop a6
- rts
- ;in:
- * a2 struct AHI_AudioCtrl
- _intAHIsub_Enable:
- push a6
- move.l 4.w,a6
- call Enable
- pop a6
- rts
- * Unused functions
- _intAHIsub_SetVol:
- _intAHIsub_SetFreq:
- _intAHIsub_SetSound:
- _intAHIsub_SetEffect:
- _intAHIsub_LoadSound:
- _intAHIsub_UnloadSound:
- moveq #AHIS_UNKNOWN,d0
- _intAHIsub_Update:
- rts
- *******************************************************************************
- _SlaveProcessEntry:
- move.l 4.w,a6
- suba.l a1,a1
- call FindTask
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l TC_Userdata(a0),a2
- move.l ahiac_DriverData(a2),a0
- move.l t_AHIsubBase(a0),a6
- bra _SlaveProcess
- *******************************************************************************
- ;in:
- * d0 size
- * a0 buffer
- * a1 AudioCtrl
- _RecordFunc:
- pushm a2/a3
- move.l a1,a2
- move.l ahiac_DriverData(a2),a1
- * Update dd->t_RecMessage->ahirm_Length:
- move.l t_RecMessage(a1),a3
- lsr.l #2,d0 ;bytes => samples
- move.l d0,ahirm_Length(a3)
- * Copy sample buffer
- move.l t_RecBuffer(a1),a3
- lsr.l #1,d0
- bcs .1
- subq.l #1,d0
- bmi .exit
- .loop
- move.l (a0)+,(a3)+
- .1
- move.l (a0)+,(a3)+
- dbf d0,.loop
- * Call the SamplerFunc Hook
- move.l t_RecMessage(a1),a1
- move.l ahiac_SamplerFunc(a2),a0
- move.l h_Entry(a0),a3
- jsr (a3)
- .exit
- moveq #TRUE,d0
- popm a2/a3
- rts
- *******************************************************************************
- TocSamplesCnt EQUR d7
- TocBuffer EQUR a6
- *
- * These functions fills the Toccata buffer with the mixed output. Since
- * the Toccata buffer is not the same size as the mixing buffer, the mixing
- * routine may have to be called several times each interrupt. Or if the mixing
- * buffer is larger than the Toccata buffer, it may not be called at all.
- *
- * The routines are not very well commented, but they should be pretty stright-
- * forward once you know what they actually do.
- *
- ;in:
- * d0 scratch
- * d1 scratch
- * a0 scratch
- * a1 ato_SoftIntData
- * a5 scratch
- PlayFunc_Pre MACRO
- pushm d7/a2-a3/a6
- move.l a1,a2 ;a2 is later used as Hook object
- move.l ahiac_DriverData(a2),a5
- * Swap Toccata buffer buffers and get pointer to one of them.
- move.l t_SampBuffer1(a5),TocBuffer
- move.l t_SampBuffer2(a5),t_SampBuffer1(a5)
- move.l TocBuffer,t_SampBuffer2(a5)
- * TocSamplesCnt is number of samples left in Toccata buffer to fill.
- move.l t_TocSamples(a5),TocSamplesCnt
- * t_MixSamplesCnt is uncopied samples left in mixing buffer
- .loop
- tst.l t_MixSamplesCnt(a5)
- bne .fillTocBuffer
- * There are no unplayed samples in the mixing buffer. Fill it again!
- move.l ahiac_BuffSamples(a2),t_MixSamplesCnt(a5)
- move.l t_MixBuffer1(a5),d0
- move.l t_MixBuffer2(a5),t_MixBuffer1(a5)
- move.l t_MixBuffer3(a5),t_MixBuffer2(a5)
- move.l d0,t_MixBuffer3(a5)
- move.l t_MixBuffer1(a5),t_MixBufferPtr(a5)
- ; Now check if the mixing routine will mix more samples than are transfered
- ; each software interrupt. If so, signal a (high-priority) task to do the
- ; actual mixing. This is because one cannot be sure that the mixing routine
- ; terminates before FIFO is empty. If the routine will mix less samples than
- ; transfered, there is no need to use a task for it (in fact that would be a
- ; pretty stupid idea, since the mixing hook may have to be called several
- ; times during the interrupt.
- move.l t_TocSamples(a5),d0
- cmp.l ahiac_BuffSamples(a2),d0
- bmi .taskmix
- ; The mixing buffer is smaller than the toccata one => Mix in soft interrupt
- .mixinline
- move.l ahiac_PlayerFunc(a2),a0
- suba.l a1,a1
- move.l h_Entry(a0),a3
- jsr (a3) ;Call Player Hook
- *** NOTE: No protection against CPU overload when mixing inline!
- move.l ahiac_MixerFunc(a2),a0
- move.l t_MixBuffer3(a5),a1
- move.l h_Entry(a0),a3
- jsr (a3) ;Call Mixer Hook
- bra .fillTocBuffer
- .taskmix
- ; The mixing buffer is larger than the toccata one => Signal task to mix.
- ; But first, check if we're using a hard interrupt. If so, we Cause() a
- ; SoftInt instead of signalling a task.
- move.w sr,d0
- and.w #%0000011100000000,d0 ;Check if we run as SoftInt (lev 0)
- beq .nohardint
- push a6
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l t_MixSoftInt(a5),a1
- call Cause
- pop a6
- bra .fillTocBuffer
- .nohardint
- ; If the flag t_NoTask is TRUE, we mix in the software interrupt anyway.
- tst.w t_NoTask(a5)
- bne .mixinline
- push a6
- move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l t_SlaveProcess(a5),a1
- move.b t_MixSignal(a5),d1
- moveq #0,d0
- bset d1,d0
- call Signal
- pop a6
- .fillTocBuffer
- move.l t_MixSamplesCnt(a5),d0
- sub.l d0,TocSamplesCnt
- bpl .1
- add.l TocSamplesCnt,d0
- moveq #0,TocSamplesCnt
- .1
- * d0 is now how many samples should be copied before either the Toccata buffer
- * is full or the mixing is empty.
- sub.l d0,t_MixSamplesCnt(a5)
- * t_MixBufferPtr is the address (in the mixing buffer) where the next untouched
- * sample is located.
- move.l t_MixBufferPtr(a5),a0
- lsr.l #1,d0 ;Just unrolling...
- bcs .2
- subq.l #1,d0
- .transferLoop
- * Example:
- * move.w (a0)+,(TocBuffer)+
- *.2
- * move.w (a0)+,(TocBuffer)+
- PlayFunc_Post MACRO
- dbf d0,.transferLoop
- move.l a0,t_MixBufferPtr(a5) ;Update pointer till next time
- tst.l TocSamplesCnt ;Is Toccata buffer full now?
- bne .loop ;Nope, loop.
- popm d7/a2-a3/a6
- rts
- _PlayFuncMono:
- PlayFunc_Pre
- move.w (a0)+,(TocBuffer)+
- .2
- move.w (a0)+,(TocBuffer)+
- PlayFunc_Post
- _PlayFuncStereo:
- PlayFunc_Pre
- move.l (a0)+,(TocBuffer)+ ; 2 WORDs == left and right data
- .2
- move.l (a0)+,(TocBuffer)+
- PlayFunc_Post
- _PlayFuncMono32:
- PlayFunc_Pre
- move.w (a0),(TocBuffer)+ ; Upper 16 bits...
- addq.l #4,a0
- .2
- move.w (a0),(TocBuffer)+ ; Upper 16 bits...
- addq.l #4,a0
- PlayFunc_Post
- _PlayFuncStereo32:
- PlayFunc_Pre
- move.w (a0),(TocBuffer)+ ; Upper 16 bits...
- move.w 4(a0),(TocBuffer)+ ; Upper 16 bits...
- addq.l #8,a0
- .2
- move.w (a0),(TocBuffer)+ ; Upper 16 bits...
- move.w 4(a0),(TocBuffer)+ ; Upper 16 bits...
- addq.l #8,a0
- PlayFunc_Post
- _MixFunc:
- pushm a2-a3
- move.l a1,a2 ;a2 is Hook object
- move.l ahiac_DriverData(a2),a5
- move.l ahiac_PlayerFunc(a2),a0
- suba.l a1,a1
- move.l h_Entry(a0),a3
- jsr (a3) ;Call Player Hook
- move.l ahiac_PreTimer(a2),a0
- jsr (a0)
- bne .mixed ;Skip mixing!
- move.l ahiac_MixerFunc(a2),a0
- move.l t_MixBuffer3(a5),a1
- move.l h_Entry(a0),a3
- jsr (a3) ;Call Mixer Hook
- .mixed
- move.l ahiac_PostTimer(a2),a0
- jsr (a0)
- popm a2-a3
- rts